Home » The Japanese Film and Literature Society: Mishima A Life in Four Chapters

The Japanese Film and Literature Society: Mishima A Life in Four Chapters

The Japanese Film and Literature Society: Mishima, A Life in Four Chapters

The Japanese Film and Literature Society presents:
Mishima: A Life in Four Chapters

Film: Mishima: A Life in Four Chapters
Tuesday, January 16th 2018
Movie Screening
Ottawa Public Library (120 Metcalfe St.) Basement Auditorium
6:00pm to 8:00pm

Book: The Temple of the Golden Pavilion
Tuesday, January 23rd 2018
Book/Movie discussion
Ottawa Public Library (120 Metcalfe St.) Basement Room B125
6:00pm to 8:00pm

More upcoming films/books:

Film: Rashomon
Tues. Mar. 14, 2018
Book: In A Grove (Ryunosuke Akutagawa)
Tues. Mar 21,

Film: Kwaidan
Tues. May 16, 2018
Book: Kwaidan (Lafcadio Hearn)
Tues. May 23

Film: Norwegian Wood
Tues. July 18, 2018
Book: Norwegian Wood (Haruiki Murakami)
Tues. July 25

Film: The Remains of the Day
Tues. Sept. 12, 2018
Book: The Remains of the Day (Kenzaburo Oe)
Tues. Sept. 19

Film: Paprika
Tues. Oct. 17, 2018
Book: Paprika (Yasutaka Tsusui)
Tues. Oct. 24

Film: Silence
Tues. Dec. 12, 2018
Book: Silence (Shusaku Endo)
Tues. Dec. 18

Film and Book Description:

Mishima: A Life in Four Chapters is a 1985 American biographical drama film co-written and directed by Paul Schrader. The film is based on the life and work of Japanese writer Yukio Mishima (portrayed by Ken Ogata), interweaving episodes from his life with dramatizations of segments from his books The Temple of the Golden Pavilion, Kyoko's House, and Runaway Horses. It was executive produced by Francis Ford Coppola and George Lucas. Movie Trailer

The Temple of the Golden Pavilion
In The Temple of the Golden Pavilion, celebrated Japanese novelist Yukio Mishima creates a haunting portrait of a young man’s obsession with idealized beauty and his destructive quest to possess it fully.

Mizoguchi, an ostracized stutterer, develops a childhood fascination with Kyoto’s famous Golden Temple. While an acolyte at the temple, he fixates on the structure’s aesthetic perfection and it becomes his one and only object of desire. But as Mizoguchi begins to perceive flaws in the temple, he determines that the only true path to beauty lies in an act of horrific violence. Based on a real incident that occurred in 1950, The Temple of the Golden Pavilion brilliantly portrays the passions and agonies of a young man in postwar Japan, bringing to the subject the erotic imagination and instinct for the dramatic moment that marked Mishima as one of the towering makers of modern fiction. With an introduction by Donald Keene; Translated from the Japanese by Ivan Morris.
