Home » Kingston Boat Cruise + Fort Henry

Kingston Boat Cruise + Fort Henry

Date: Weekend of September 16th-17th, 2017
Time: 11:30 AM
Location: Kingston waterfront, Kingston

Hello JETAA members in Ontario and Quebec! We’re having our 2nd annual Kingston Ontario inter-chapter event on Saturday, Sept. 16th, and we would love for you to come out!

This is a joint initiative between JETAA Ottawa, Toronto, and JETAA Quebec Atlantique, with the goal of bringing our chapters closer together, and giving the opportunity to JETs alums from Ontario and Quebec to meet-up and network in a central location!

We have a tentative schedule as follows:

11:30: Meet at the Kingston waterfront!
12:00pm: Board the BOAT for the BOAT CRUISE!
12:30-3:30pm: Cruise the Thousand Islands in paddle-wheeler style
3:30: Head to the historic Fort Henry for dinner on the battlements
After that: Whatever the night brings (There may be a non-officially sanctioned Air B&B - Contact your chapter head for more details (Brandon Wallace - JETAA Ottawa, Clarissa Marie - Toronto, Ugo Jose Lachapelle - Montreal)

Cost: The boat cruise will be $31.40/person if we can get at least 20 people. If we are less than 20, it will be $40/person. Last year we exceeded 20 people. Let's go for gold again this year! This is a reduced Group Rate. Normally it costs $46! RSVP and pay via Eventbrite: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/kingston-boat-cruise-dinner-at-fort-henry-tickets-37228231643

Boat cruise details:
Battery Bistro

More info on our Facebook event page

Members of JETAA Ottawa may be arranging cars to drive people to and from Kingston, so if you're able to host a car, or you're looking for a ride let us know on the Facebook Event page.


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