JETAA International – Canada representative candidates sought

The call for platforms for the JETAA Canada’s Country Representative to JETAA-International has begun. The deadline is March 13, 23:59 Central Time.

The Canada country representative (CR) is the primary point of contact to Canada’s various chapters, and represents our country at the JETAA-International level, as required. See below for further details on the Canada Rep’s responsibilities.

Candidates are asked to submit a platform that states the following:

• Experience with JETAA

• Vision for future of JETAA chapters in Canada

• Action plan for year ahead and ideas to strengthen JETAA Canada

All platforms should be submitted directly to the returning officer,
Jeff Onizak.

The election schedule is as follows:

Candidate platforms due:
March 13th 2019

Platforms to be sent to chapters: 

March 14th  2019

Chapter Voting closes:

March 27th 2019

Returning Officer publishes results:  

March 28th 2019

** Cut-off time will be 23:59 Central Time for all dates


February 23: Board Game Afternoon at LOFT & Karaoke nijikai

Loft has HUNDREDS of amazing games to choose from!

For our second event, we’d thought we’d mix things up with a dice roll or two at Ottawa’s own THE LOFT Board Game lounge! Come join us Saturday afternoon for some fun and games with friends.

This event is limited to JET alumni and plus-ones. 

After playing the afternoon away, we’ll also be having a nijikai (after party) in the classic Japan fashion: karaoke! 

Only interested in one or the other? That’s fine – just RSVP for the activity you like.

If this sounds like something you’d want in on, please RSVP here and fill out the form to let us know who all will be coming!

The details:

Cozy up with us over board games at The Loft Board Game Lounge. With hundreds of games to choose from, including the very latest releases, you’re in for an action-packed afternoon.

The Loft also offers drinks and food, so don’t worry that we’ll be playing through lunch.

Where: The Loft Board Game Lounge (2nd Floor, 14 Waller St, Ottawa, ON K1N 9C4)

When: 12:00 PM to 3:00 PM

We’ll be taking a break for dinner and meeting up at for another round of shenanigans. We’ve got the big room booked for THREE HOURS so if you missed out last time, now’s your chance to shine!

Where: Popstar Karaoke (382 Rideau)

When: 7:00 – 10:00


Look back: Skating Event

On a rare sunny and beautiful January day, 12 JET Alumni and friends enjoyed skating on the Rideau Canal and eating Beaver Tails while reminiscing about their time in Japan. Following this we ate west coast-style Japanese food at “J: Unique Kitchen,” a new Japanese Restaurant in Ottawa, and then spent 3 throat-destroying hours singing Karaoke at PopStar Karoke! 超楽しかった!


January 26 Skating Party and Dinner

Happy New Year! あけましておめでとう!

It’s January again and although it’s cold out, JETAA Ottawa is always keen to put on events. This month’s event is skating on the canal and then dinner at a neat new sushi restaurant. If there’s interest, we’re also considering going to karaoke after dinner too.

Feel free to join all or any parts you’d like of the event. (Just remember to RSVP, please.)


It’s skating season and where better to skate in Ottawa than on the Canal! Once again, if you don’t have your skates, we will be subsidizing skate rentals for JET alumnus and a plus one. We welcome all participants, including and especially kids!

Meet Up

Date & Time: January 26 at 2:00
Meeting place: the fountain at Confederation Park

After meeting up, the group will go to the skate rental together.

Need skates? Let us know!


After skating, we’ll also be hosting a dinner at J:unique Kitchen, a brand new sushi restaurant. It’s a hot venue so let us know if you’ll be joining us so we have enough chairs.

Time: 5:00
Venue:J:unique Kitchen at 381 Cooper St [directions]

Not interested in skating, but interested in flaming sushi? Just join us for dinner!


Natsu Matsuri 2018 – Celebrating Japanese Culture – July 22nd

Natsu Matsuri: Celebrating Japanese Culture Event Page:
Click here to view the Facebook event page

Participating Organizations for 2018:
Click here to view the post

Volunteer for Natsu Matsuri 2018:
Click here to view the post

Get excited, it's drawing nearer! Join us for our 14th Annual Natsu Matsuri event, a celebration of Japanese culture and the summer season. Come and join us and enjoy a variety of tasty food, watch performers such as dancers, musicians and martial-artists, and discover Japanese culture with our many exhibitor booths.

This year`s performers and participating organizations are being announced as we confirm them, so please check back on the website or social media to stay informed of all the exciting fun.

Date: Sunday, July 22nd, 2018
Time: 11am - 4pm
Location: Marion Dewer Plaza City Hall (110 Laurier Ave W, Ottawa, ON K1P 1J1)

Please check out the Performance Schedule below to see all the exciting fun planned!

We`re looking forward to seeing you there!


