The call for platforms for the JETAA Canada’s Country Representative to JETAA-International has begun. The deadline is March 13, 23:59 Central Time.
The Canada country representative (CR) is the primary point of contact to Canada’s various chapters, and represents our country at the JETAA-International level, as required. See below for further details on the Canada Rep’s responsibilities.
Candidates are asked to submit a platform that states the following:
• Experience with JETAA
• Vision for future of JETAA chapters in Canada
• Action plan for year ahead and ideas to strengthen JETAA Canada
All platforms should be submitted directly to the returning officer,
Jeff Onizak.
The election schedule is as follows:
Candidate platforms due: | March 13th 2019 |
Platforms to be sent to chapters: | March 14th 2019 |
Chapter Voting closes: | March 27th 2019 |
Returning Officer publishes results: | March 28th 2019 |
** Cut-off time will be 23:59 Central Time for all dates